fmcs  v0.2.1
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Carity< D >How many input arguments does the largest constructor of the distribution have?
 Carity< Beta >
 Carity< BVNormal >
 Carity< Categorical >
 Carity< Discrete< T > >
 Carity< DiscreteUniform >
 Carity< Gamma >
 Carity< Normal >
 Carity< Parameter< V > >
 Carity< Poisson >
 Carity< Triangular >
 Carity< Uniform >
 Carity< WienerProcess >
 Carray_< T, N >
 Cauxiliary_info< D >
 Cauxiliary_info< Categorical >
 CDefaultPolicy< D >Identity function between sets of distributions
 Cdiscrete_< T >
 Cdiscrete_< unsigned long >
 CDistribution< Impl, V >Abstract base class that can be subclassed for creation of new distributions
 CDistribution< Beta, double >
 CDistribution< BVNormal, std::array< double, 2 > >
 CDistribution< Categorical, unsigned long >
 CDistribution< Discrete< T >, T >
 CDistribution< DiscreteUniform, int >
 CDistribution< Gamma, double >
 CDistribution< Normal, double >
 CDistribution< Parameter< V >, V::type >
 CDistribution< Poisson, unsigned >
 CDistribution< Triangular, double >
 CDistribution< Uniform, double >
 CDistribution< WienerProcess, double >
 Cdynamic_bounded< T >
 Cdynamic_bounded< double >
 CProductGenerator< Impl, V, O, Ts >::EmitTypeProduct of values (mapping from address to result type of underlying queryer) and distributions (mapping from address to first-encountered distribution at that address)
 Cgr_output< O, Ts >Product of a gr_pair and the output of a probabilistic program
 Cgr_pair< Ts >
 Cgr_pair< Ts... >
 Cgraph_ir< Ts >A graph intermediate representation of a causal model
 Cgraph_ir< Ts... >
 Cgraph_node< D >A fundamental data structure of which a graph intermediate representation is composed
 Cgraph_node_construct< D, Ts >Finds and tracks parents/children of nodes involved in a sample or observe statement
 Cgraph_node_construct< D, Ts... >
 Chas_proposal< C >Will the passed class template have an associated proposal distribution?
 Chas_proposal< GenericMetropolis >
 Chas_proposal< ImportanceSampling >
 Cinf_options_tOptions used by all inference algorithms
 CInference< A, I, O, V, Q, Ts >Universal base class for inference methods
 CInference< AncestorMetropolis, I, O, V, Q, Ts... >
 CInference< GenericMetropolis, I, O, V, Q, Ts... >
 CInference< ImportanceSampling, I, O, V, Q, Ts... >
 CInference< LikelihoodWeighting, I, O, V, Q, Ts... >
 Cinference_state< C, I, O, Ts >State that is used by inference algorithms
 Cinference_state< A, I, O, Ts... >
 Cinference_state< AncestorMetropolis, I, O, Ts... >
 Cinference_state< ImportanceSampling, I, O, Ts... >
 Cinput_types< D >What are the types passed as arguments to the largest constructor?
 Cinput_types< Beta >
 Cinput_types< BVNormal >
 Cinput_types< Categorical >
 Cinput_types< Discrete< T > >
 Cinput_types< DiscreteUniform >
 Cinput_types< Gamma >
 Cinput_types< Normal >
 Cinput_types< Parameter< V > >
 Cinput_types< Poisson >
 Cinput_types< Triangular >
 Cinput_types< Uniform >
 Cinput_types< WienerProcess >
 Cmapping< From, To >
 Cmapping< A< T >, A< T > >
 Cmapping< B, A >
 Cmapping< unbounded< double >, unit_interval< double > >
 Cmapping< unbounded< T >, non_negative< T > >
 Cnode_t< D >A fundamental data structure that includes address, distribution, sampled value type, score, whether the value was observed, and a markov process over interpretations
 Cnon_negative< T >
 CNormalPolicy< D >Every continuous distribution type is approximated by a normal distribution
 Coutput_dim< D >What are the dimensions of the output of calling .sample(...)?
 Coutput_domain< D >In what domain is the output?
 Coutput_domain< Beta >
 Coutput_domain< BVNormal >
 Coutput_domain< Categorical >
 Coutput_domain< Discrete< T > >
 Coutput_domain< Gamma >
 Coutput_domain< Normal >
 Coutput_domain< Parameter< V > >
 Coutput_domain< Poisson >
 Coutput_domain< Triangular >
 Coutput_domain< WienerProcess >
 CParamConstructor< V, Ts >
 Cparameter_match< D, MapTo, O, Ts >
 Cparameter_match< D, Gamma, O, Ts... >Computes gamma distribution parameter updates from posterior samples
 Cparameter_match< D, Normal, O, Ts... >Computes normal distribution parameter updates from posterior samples via moment matching
 Cparameter_match< Parameter< Constraint< BaseType > >, Parameter< Constraint< BaseType > >, O, Ts... >Identity function on parameter value
 CParameterMatching< Policy, QueryResult, I, O, Ts >
 Cplate_base_< D >
 CProbability< typename, O, Ts >Computes the empirical probability of an event
 CProductGenerator< Impl, V, O, Ts >Generates a queryer that returns a fully factored collection of views
 CQueryer< Impl, V, O, Ts >Interface to all querying mechanisms for sample-based inference (and possibly other inference algorithms). Much computation that is associated with inference is implemented by subclasses of Queryer (rather than in inference algorithms themselves, as is often done)
 CQueryer< LogSumExpQ, double, O, Ts... >
 CQueryer< Optimizer, V, O, Ts... >
 CQueryer< Q, EmitType, O, Ts... >
 CQueryer< Weighted, V, O, Ts... >
 CQueryer< WeightedMean, double, O, Ts... >
 CQueryer< WeightedMeanStd, std::pair< double, double >, O, Ts... >
 CQueryer< WeightedRecord, std::shared_ptr< record_collection_t< O, Ts... > >, O, Ts... >
 CQueryer< WeightedValue, std::unique_ptr< value_collection_t< V > >, O, Ts... >
 Crecord_t< DTs >
 Crecord_t< DTypes< Ts... > >A fundamental data structure that holds a mapping from addresses to nodes, an insertion order, and a record-level interpretation
 CRecordBlock< Type >
 CRecordBlock< Obs >
 CRecordBlock< Sample >
 Cslice_base_< D, N >
 Ctranslation< D >
 Ctranslation< Categorical >
 Ctranslation< Gamma >
 Ctranslation< Normal >
 Ctranslation< Value< double > >
 Ctranslation< Value< int > >
 Ctranslation< Value< unsigned > >
 Ctranslation< Value< unsigned long > >
 Ctyped_map< Policy, Input, Ds >A unordered map with value type equal to a sum type of input type and one or more distribution types, parameterized by an update Policy
 Cunbounded< T >
 Cunit_interval< T >
 Cunit_interval< double >
 CUpdate< Impl, Policy, QueryResult, I, O, Ts >Experimental base class of typed_map-based update logic
 CUpdate< Impl, Policy, QueryResult, I, O, Ts... >
 CUpdate< ParameterMatching, Policy, FilterValueType< O, Ts... >, I, O, Ts... >
 CUpdate< ParameterMatching, Policy, ProductGenerator< WeightedMeanStd, std::pair< double, double >, O, Ts... >::EmitType, I, O, Ts... >
 CUpdateFilter< Impl, Policy, Queryer, Inference, I, O, Ts >A filtering algorithm that operates on typed_map objects
 CValue< V >A minimal wrapper of a value that is tracked in a graph_ir
 CWeightedValue< V, O, Ts >A collection of weighted values from a single site